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Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson

LifeGrowth Psychological Services

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Recommended Reading:

Our Approach to Marital Issues

No matter how long you have been married,

issues can happen. Life circumstances can

change suddenly, stress can feel overwhelming,

and before you realize it has happened, you are

stuck in the same painful cycle with your

spouse. You might have tried several things to

solve the issue, but nothing is working, and you

just want answers. It can often feel like advice is

being given to you from everywhere or you

might not have a support system that knows

how your marriage is going. At Lifegrowth, we work to identify the issues that a couple is having by assessing and slowing down the communication. Often when marital issues arise, communication and emotions are happening so quickly that we can be unaware of everything that is contributing to how we are feeling, landing us in a place without being fully aware of the steps that got us there. At Lifegrowth we strive to come alongside each couple to help improve communication and work towards each person feeling heard, understood, and valued. 

​​Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage ​​by Dr. Kevin Lehman

Note: The resources and information on this page are meant for general information  purposes only.

Lifegrowth is not responsible for the information or claims made by these resources.

A Celebration of Sex 

by Dr. Douglas Rosenau

​​Fighting For Your Marriage 

by Howard Markman, Scott M. Stanley, Susan L. Blumberg

Resources on Marital Issues that we recommend:

​​The Five Love Languages 

by Gary Chapman